Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Dysfunctional Principal-Assistant Principal Relationship Can Sabotage an Entire School!

“It is apparent that the leadership isn’t on the same page in our school.”

About a month ago, I wrote a blog post entitled, The Assistant Principalship: The Most Misunderstood and Underutilized Position is Education. I hadn’t anticipated the wide-scale interest it was going to generate but I am pleased that it did. Resultantly, I felt compelled to write this follow up.

I cannot overstate the significance of the relationship between a principal and his / her assistant principal(s). This relationship is absolutely vital to the health of a school. I would dare say that this relationship epitomizes the pulse of a school. After all, these individuals are the administrative leadership of an entire building…the leadership team. A school goes as the leadership goes. That leadership relationship must therefore be supremely healthy because everything about any given school emanates out of the leadership. When the leadership team is “healthy,” there is a higher probability that the school’s climate and culture will be “healthy.” But on the other hand, when the leadership team is “ill” or dysfunctional, there is a higher probability that the school’s climate and culture will be ill or dysfunctional as well. Just imagine the implications for a school when staff members are having side conversations based on their perceptions and observations that assert, “It is apparent that the leadership isn’t on the same page in our school.” No school can afford for this perception to exist amongst staff.

Obviously, due to student enrollment numbers, all elementary schools do not require an assistant principal. This means that if the principal nevertheless requires administrative support, he /she must be adept at empowering others in areas of need. All others (elementary and secondary) have at least one assistant principal. The principal must be able to maximize the talent, skill and potential of his / her assistant principal(s) toward moving the school forward. The principal must feel extremely comfortable with exposing the assistant principal(s) to all aspects of school leadership while avoiding at all costs relegating the assistant principal(s) to school disciplinarians and cafeteria supervisors. Whether or not this occurs boils down to a few factors which include the relationship between the principal and his / her team; the trust the principal has in his / her team and the confidence the principal has in oneself toward developing his / her leadership team.

As stated above, this relationship must be solid. There’s got to be a bond there. There’s got to be mutual respect there. There’s got to be trust there. Anything less and this relationship becomes not only unhealthy for the team but potentially detrimental for the entire school. The leadership team must be on the same page with a common purpose, mission, vision and goals. When the leadership team is moving in divergent directions, everyone loses. When the leadership team is moving in divergent directions, there are probably serious issues with the overall relationship between the leadership team members that must be given maximum attention, starting with the principal. When this relationship goes sour, it is evident to everyone on staff and may even be detected by students.

Some principals inherit their assistant principal(s) while others have the ideal opportunity to hire their own. Obviously, when the principal has input into who the assistant principal(s) will be, the probability for a healthy relationship increases exponentially. When the principal inherits the assistant principal(s), the relationship still has the potential to be ideal but it becomes incumbent upon the principal to be intentional toward making it work. The principal’s people skills are key; particularly in a situation where for example, one of the assistant principals was vying for the same principalship and was not selected. Now you have the potential for a disgruntled assistant principal who wanted to be principal but instead must assist the new principal. Toward making this relationship work, the new principal must use a high degree of tact and finesse toward making this relationship work. Anything less and the consequence could be dysfunctionality at the highest level which always has the potential of trickling down to staff. When dysfunction sets in within the school’s leadership, it becomes that much more of a challenge for this school to become the school that is has the potential of becoming because of the obvious dysfunction at the top.

As stated in the title, a dysfunctional principal – assistant principal relationship can sabotage an entire school! Given the myriad of challenges that accompany school leadership, the principal – assistant principal relationship is a big one. Be sure then to give this relationship maximum attention toward maintaining an overall healthy school climate and culture.

For further reading on school leadership, pick up Principal Kafele’s four school leadership books, The Assistant Principal 50: Critical Questions for Meaningful Leadership and Professional Growth, The Principal 50: Critical Leadership Questions for Inspiring Schoolwide Excellence, Is My School a Better School Because I Lead It? and The Aspiring Principal 50: Critical Questions for New and Future School Leaders – all published by ASCD and can be ordered through

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Assistant Principalship: The Most Misunderstood and Underutilized Position in Education

“Young man, I’ve tolerated enough….it’s time for you to see the assistant principal!”

Sound familiar? Variations of these words are expressed to students exhibiting undesirable behaviors all too often in classrooms across North America daily. In turn, the assistant principals sit in their offices awaiting this youngster to arrive while simultaneously disciplining other students who were sent down ahead of him. In my conversations with countless assistant principals across the country, this is their day-to-day reality which in my estimation is just wrong, wrong, wrong! This is the reality of schools where it has become the culture of the building to utilize the assistant principal in this regard…as a full time disciplinarian. I might add that during my year as an assistant principal, this too was my daily reality. I was grossly underutilized. There was always work to do and never downtime because at any given moment, a teacher was sending a student to my office for me to discipline.

I feel strongly that with the exception of those assistant principals who have made the decision that they are content with being assistant principals…career assistant principals if you will, the assistant principalship is a stepping stone to the principalship. Yes, the principal (and the school) need this individual to assist the principal, but unless the assistant principal has no interest in one day assuming the principalship, it is not a permanent position. Instead, it is a “training ground” for that one day principalship. The problem is when assistant principals are in schools where they have been relegated to being school disciplinarians. In no way are these individuals being prepared for the principalship in this regard. At best, they may evolve into great disciplinarians but will be grossly lacking in real school leadership preparation. This was certainly my reality as an assistant principal and it is the reality of countless assistant principals in our schools. These individuals are not being adequately trained and prepared to lead their own schools one day. Both, children and staff consequently suffer because upon the assistant principal’s promotion to the principalship, all he / she will really be prepared to do well is discipline students as opposed to being trained to lead while simultaneously being exposed to all aspects of principal leadership toward a seamless transition into school leader.

The core responsibility and most significant role of a principal is instructional leadership. I once had a mentor many years ago who convinced me that the primary purpose of my supervision of teachers was the continual improvement of their instruction. In other words, it is instructional leadership that moves the “student academic needle.” Yes, teachers can seek out their own professional development independent of the leadership of the school, but it is the instructional leadership that is provided by the leadership over the duration of the school year that matters most. This is the professional development that is the most directly associated with instruction in the classroom. To that end, imagine that school where there are one or two assistant principals and the bulk of their day is spent engaging in student discipline and cafeteria supervision. Although both responsibilities are important, they are a gross misuse of the assistant principals time, energy and human capital. Let’s say for example, in this same school, the assistant principals supervise and evaluate a percentage of staff. If the assistant principals spend the bulk of their time in the non-instructional aspects school leadership, what will be the basis of their evaluation of teachers? The truth is that in this regard, the assistant principal doesn’t know the specificity of what the teacher does in the classroom and therefore doesn’t know the teacher’s classroom. The assistant principal has no “voice” in any given classroom and no academic connection to any given classroom. How does the teacher grow in this regard? How are the teacher’s deficiencies identified? How is time devoted to correction of these deficiencies? How does the assistant principal grow? How is the assistant principal in position to play a role toward helping the teacher to become extraordinary in the classroom? In this regard, the teacher loses but the teacher doesn’t lose alone….the children lose exponentially; the school loses; the parents lose and the community loses. It’s a lose – lose situation.

What can be done? Particular attention must be given to the overall climate and culture of the school and how assistant principals can be utilized optimally. Administration and staff must collectively ask the question, “What is it about the climate and culture of our school that lends itself to our disciplinary reality? Discipline is micro while climate and culture are macro. Typically in schools where discipline is a macro issue, the climate and the culture of the school are problematic if not toxic. Immediate attention must be given to the school’s climate and culture toward bringing about transformation in how assistant principals are utilized. Assistant principals are far too important to the success of every student in the building to be relegated to school disciplinarians. Their talents, abilities, skillsets and potential must be intentionally maximized always.

For further reading on school leadership, pick up Principal Kafele’s four school leadership books, The Assistant Principal 50: Critical Questions for Meaningful Leadership and Professional Growth, The Principal 50: Critical Leadership Questions for Inspiring Schoolwide Excellence, Is My School a Better School Because I Lead It? and The Aspiring Principal 50: Critical Questions for New and Future School Leaders – all published by ASCD and can be ordered through

Reflecting on 4 Years of the AP & New Principals Academy

  It’s practically surreal that a project I started on May 2, 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic is still going strong 4 years later and...